Victory does not come without sacrifice.
Nobody knows this better than head coach Mike Lupenec, who has sacrificed 25 years, and his hair, on the field of battle coaching some of the best student-athletes the University has ever seen.
In the past, many alumni and donors have stepped forward to show their support of the women's soccer program and their generosity has been greatly appreciated. Now, however, is a time to make a stand and show who the true victors are. We are competing against the other Titan athletics teams in this crowdfunding competition and just like any other game we are in it to win it.
Your gift to the women's soccer team will help fund locker room updates and dugouts for the benches, but more important, you will help us win the challenge and kick the other teams'..... well you know what.
We are counting on your support. Hairy up and give today! #nohairdontcare